Estrellita highlighted in new RWJF video

New video from Project Health Design highlights the great work we did as part of this Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pionner Portfolio Initiative. You can fastforward to get to Estrellita if you want, but the video is really interesting overall and demonstrates how PHRs and patient-generated data are poised to revolutionize healthcare.

Presenting Estrellita to the World of Health 2.0

Sen and Gillian are in San Francisco sharing Estrellita with the world. Health 2.0 is a different kind of venue than we normally attend, being very industry, clinician, and patient focused. Of course, these kind of events give us a chance to really influence practice beyond our academic communities. Our efforts at Health 2.0 are […]

Estrellita: Helping Caregivers and Clinicians of Preterm Infants

We are designing, developing, and deploying an innovative and feasible mobile solution for collecting infant and caregiver observations of daily living (ODLs), sharing these data with their clinical providers, and visualizing and summarizing these data for both the parents and clinicians caring for these children. This system, called Estrellita, has been shown to be helpful in preliminary pilot studies, and now we are expanding its capabilities and evaluating Estrellita in a longitudinal field deployment.

Posters to be presented at WISH 2010

The STAR group will be busy at WISH this year with five posters!  We are really looking forward to an amazing event. Attitudes and Readiness for Adoption of an Electronic Medical Records System: A Preliminary Case Study – Jed Brubaker, Yunan Chen, Karen Cheng, Chris Combs, Sheba George, Sidney Harrison, Gillian Hayes, Sherrie Kaplan Heuristic […]