iConference Publications

Several members of STAR had publications accepted to this year’s iConference. Congratulations! Haimson, O. L., Menking, A., Eschler, J., Erickson, I., & Hayes, G. R. Exploring Gender, Race, and Sexuality with Social Media Data. Workshop at iConference 2015. more info: https://iconferencesocialmediadata.wordpress.com/ CFP: https://iconferencesocialmediadata.wordpress.com/call-for-papers/ Haimson, O. L., Brubaker, J. R., Loder, C., Dombrowski, L., & Hayes, […]

Ringland and Haimson Awarded AGS Travel Grants

Congratulations to Kate Ringland and Oliver Haimson, who were awarded travel grants from UC Irvine Associated Graduate Students! The funding will support their travel to Berlin, Germany to present their research as part of iConference 2014.

STAR Team Accepted for Social Media Expo!

Congratulations to Oliver Haimson and Kate Ringland, whose team project was accepted for inclusion in the 2014 Social Media Expo, sponsored by Microsoft FUSE Labs. The Social Media Expo is part of the iConference in Berlin, Germany, and Oliver and Kate’s team will receive a travel award to attend the conference. The project is titled […]