
Evaluating the Usefulness and Usability of Collaborative Personal Health Record Systems

Leslie S. Liu & Gillian R. Hayes

Personal health record systems (PHR) have great potential to improve both health documentation and patient care. The introduction and adoption of these systems, however, have been relatively slow. In this work, through usability evaluations and clinician interviews, we evaluated the usability of, usefulness of, and the ability to communicate and share information through PHR. We describe the results of our evaluation, which demonstrate how a combination of usability, functionality, and socio-cultural influences are impeding PHR adoption and use.

PatientsLikeMe: Empowerment and Representation in a Patient-Centered Social Network

Jed R. Brubaker, Caitlin Lustig, & Gillian R. Hayes

We examine the patient networking site PatientsLikeMe relative to current trends in medicine toward patient-centered care and empowerment. We focus on both patient and institutional demands for personal medical data. Given PatientsLikeMe’s mixture of social networking and health management tools, we consider the role of online health communities in the changing patient/provider relationship, and the use of patient-provided medical data.